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Feelings on Delaware Tech
The Wire reporter Nikolas Boone went around campus and asked students to describe their feelings about Delaware Technical Community...

Coastal Cleanup
By Jeff Melvin Delaware Technical Community College students and facility participated in Delaware Natural Resources and Environmental...

Festival Hispano
The Festival Hispano was held Sept. 12, 2019 in Georgetown, Delaware. The Wire reporter Joshua Sprout attended the festival and talked...

Pizza Party at Terry
By Savannah Swanson Delaware Technical Community College, Terry Campus held a Pizza Party for student on Sept. 10 as part of Welcome Days...

The Bracero Program exhibit
By Emily Smith In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, “Bittersweet Harvest: The Bracero Program 1942-196” poster display is available...

University vs. Community College
By Lauren Moon The Wire reporter Lauren Moon visited both the University of Delaware and Delaware Tech Owens Campus to find out why...

Delaware Tech goes global
By Nikolas Boone Students received a taste of travel at Delaware Technical Community College’s Terry Campus on Sept. 18. Global...

Student Profile: Angel Street
By Savannah Swanson Angel Street was faced with something to which every student at Delaware Technical Community College can relate: the...

Hispanic Heritage Month exhibit visits campus
By Lauren Moon Delaware Technical Community College Owens Campus opened “Bittersweet Harvest: The Bracero Program 1942-1946," the...

Owens Campus hosts screening of 'Aladdin'
By Jeff Melvin Inclement weather from Hurricane Dorian forced Delaware Technical Community College’s Annual Movie Night indoors where...

Embrace Art Expo
By LOGAN WILLIAMS Arise, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the differently abled in the community, held an Embrace Art Expo...

Job Fair at Owens Campus
BY A Job Fair was held on March 27 at Delaware Technical Community College, Owens Campus. Many vendors and potential employers were on...

Delaware Tech holds Open House
A line waits the Criminal Justice degree, as presented and taught by Department Chair Angie Shockley (far right, back facing camera).
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