Delaware Technical Community College Owens Campus’ very own on-campus coffee shop, Java 101, is the hub for students and faculty who refer to it as Java.
Java is open through the school day in the Student Services Center (SSC) and serves coffee, milkshakes, sushi, soups, and several other menu items to enjoy.
Manager Jenifer Preston, lovingly referred to as Jen by customers, believes that Java has a lot to offer to the students, and has worked hard in making it a place with a calming environment.
“The campus can be overwhelming place, especially for new students. It’s a pretty big campus,” Preston said. “This is a nice middle ground to just regroup.”
Java is a place where students can feel comfortable and take a break from their homework or study. The employees want their shop to be a place where students can relax, have a good cup of coffee, and “recharge” before they return to the rest of their day.

Paul Gebbia, an Associate of Science student, shared how he started going to Java.
“I really needed coffee one day, and I didn’t want to drive to Dunkin’ Donuts. So I came here to see if they had the same thing that I get at Dunkin.”
Gebbia has continued to frequent Java and often participates in their events, such as Trivia Night.
In January of 2018, Java introduced sushi to their menu to offer its customers something that isn’t found in Georgetown. Their newest item added to the menu is soups and panini’s, which will offer something warm as the days continue to grow colder. Their goal is to offer something different for their customers.
Jennifer Suter-Powell, a Java regular and a student in the automotive program, believes that Java is the place to go to get away from the hectic, high-traffic areas.
“I like that it’s smaller than the cafeteria so I can study and hide better,” said Suter-Powell.

Java is open Mon.- Wed. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thur. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Fri. 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and is closed on Sat. and Sun. To contact Java and stay updated on cafe life, follow them on Facebook at Java 101 (@java101owens).