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Open house offers information for potential students

Students from across the Delmarva area explored their future careers at the Delaware Technical Community College Owens Campus Open House on Nov. 17 in the Fireside Lounge. The Open House offered important information to potential students and parents about what Delaware Tech has to offer.

The event represented all majors and programs from all three campuses, and had booths where students could talk to advisors from each program. Booths were also held displaying information for athletic programs, study abroad, the bookstores, student life, clubs and upcoming field trips.

The Owens Campus holds two open houses a year, one in November and one in April. Both events generally gather up to 300 attendees. The open houses are planned by a group composed of the student affairs committee, alumni, and marketing and communications students, and the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Melissa Rakes.

“What I hope students get out of our open houses is that they will be better equipped to make informed decisions regarding college and the different programs and majors,” said Dr. Rakes,

She said that the purpose of the open houses is to answer many questions students and parents have, and to provide information about enrollment, financial aid and SEED, and to provide a way for students to meet with their advisors.

Jennifer Xavier is a Delaware Tech alumna, and attended the event with her son Jared. Jared is an upcoming student who is planning to attend Delaware Tech as his first choice of college, and hopes to major in Chemistry. They found that the most helpful aspect of the event was being able to look at each major and see what they have to offer, and to meet with the professors.

“I want to encourage him to attend Delaware Tech because it offers great classes, for a great price and in a great location. It’s just an awesome school all around,” said Jennifer Xavier.

Alexzandra Gallow was also an attendee of the event, she attended with her mother and father.

“I’m really enjoying the open house because I’m not exactly sure what career path I want to take. This is great because I can talk to each major advisor and ask questions that I’ve had before that I didn’t have answers too. The school has a lot to offer,” Said Gallow.

Owens Campus’ next Open House will take place on April 6, 2017 from 5-7 p.m. at the Fireside Lounge.

Student Life's booth helps students to become more acquainted with all the clubs and activities on campus. Photo by K. Jefferson.

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