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Campus Crusade for Christ is collecting items for Operation Christmas Child

By Kayla Brennick

Delaware Technical Community College Owens Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) is participating in the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child project for the first time.

CCC meets Tuesdays from 2-3 p.m. in the Executive Dining Hall in the Student Services Center and is collecting items for shoeboxes through Oct. 24.

Drop boxes are in the main lobby of the Carter Partnership Center, front lobby of the Jason Technology Center and across from the Welcome Desk in the Student Services Center for items that can be packaged in the boxes.

Campus Crusade for Christ advisor Debra Chisenhall said she has been doing this for 10 years with her family and is looking forward to getting to do it with the club.

“It’s a tradition my family has, and it feels so good to make a difference for someone,” she said.

The boxes are going to be packed during their Oct. 28 meeting and mailed to the nearest drop-off location.

One of the most exciting things about it is getting the tracking number and finding out in which country the boxes ended up, Chisenhall said.

Chelsea Lyons, education major, said she has been a member of CCC for about two years and loves the fellowship and encouragement she gets from the meetings.

She participated in Operation Christmas Child before, with her father, and can’t wait to participate again through CCC.

“It helps me feel connected to another country,” she said of Operation Christmas Child.

Hannah Reed, a design engineering mechanical major, said she has been a member of CCC for three years, and has yet to work with Operation Christmas Child.

She said the part she is looking forward to the most is “blessing people’s lives who haven’t had it before.”

Now in its second decade of service, Operation Christmas Child has sent shoeboxes filled with goodies to children all over the world.

Acceptable items to donate for the boxes include toys, school supplies, hygiene items, accessories, and a personal note/photo from the person who made the box.

A more detailed list of acceptable items and more information about Operation Christmas Child can be found at:

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